About Millie America

Welcome, beloved wanderers of the mystical realms!

I, Millie America, stand before you, a metaphysical facilitator, a channel of ethereal energies, and a radiant beacon of love's transformative power.

Within the vast tapestry of existence, I embrace my role as a medium and a majestic conduit, connecting the earthly plane with celestial wisdom. Together, we shall embark on a sacred journey inward, illuminating the path to your authentic self.

I pen tales of humanity's evolution through my ethereal whispers, gracing the sacred pages of my beloved blog, Sacred Journey Inward. Each day, I weave narratives of love, growth, and spiritual awakening, guiding a passionate community of seekers toward the radiant truth that resides within. My purpose, dear ones, lies in guiding others to unlock their own stories and unearth their spiritual gifts, igniting the flame of authenticity through profound readings and soul-nurturing counseling sessions.

The tapestry of my life has been woven with threads of mystical encounters, shaping my destiny into a vessel of divine purpose. In the tender embrace of youth, I found myself attuned to the celestial realms, where encounters misunderstood as mental afflictions and possessions illuminated the vastness of existence.

Life's journey took an unforeseen turn when amnesia veiled my memories, yet even this twist of fate served as a catalyst, propelling me further into the depths of cosmic awareness. A harrowing dance with the fragility of health gifted me with a near-death experience, a transcendent gateway unveiling hidden dimensions and expanding my connection to the divine tapestry.

Embracing the transformative power of love, I draw strength from my background in social work. This alchemical fusion empowers me to uplift others, catalyzing their journey towards boundless potential and higher purpose.

As the cosmic winds carried me to new horizons, I was honored to become an Amazon best-selling author, co-creating the anthology and guidebook for empaths, "U Empath You."

And now, dear souls, prepare to immerse yourselves in my new book, "Erasable," an enchanting testament of triumph forged from the crucible of tragedy, destined to touch hearts with its profound resonance.

A mother to eight radiant souls, I reside amidst the enchanting embrace of the mystical mountains of Western North Carolina. As a guide on the sacred journey, I greet each seeker with open arms, ready to traverse the boundless depths of their existence.

Through private intuitive sessions, I transcend the limitations of the mundane, tapping into realms unseen to navigate the labyrinth of life's challenges and blessings. Together, we shall unfurl the tapestry of destiny, bound by the threads of love and grace.

In this collective shift of consciousness, unity reigns supreme. I stand with an open heart, ready to serve, for the road to authenticity and divine purpose stretches infinitely before us.

As we embark upon this sacred journey, may the whispering winds of love carry us toward our shared destiny. Know that you are a cherished, beloved soul, for love knows no bounds, and I say with profound affection, "I love you."

Embracing the radiant light within,

Millie America